Loss of any kind is hard.
Relinquishing your pet’s care because you can no longer care for them.
Being separated temporarily or permanently.
You pet dying from an illness, injury, or accident
Dying from natural causes
As Bloss Dog evolves, we will add
Resources for anticipatory grief, and how to love a senior pet.
Tips for How to Help a Friend, Family Member, or Co-Worker during their time of grief.
Products for the Pet Owner or Friend or Family Member of the Pet Owner that memorializes or celebrates the life of the beloved pet.
At Bloss Dog, we share resources, and activities in the following areas:
Pet Loss Support Groups are becoming more popular but there are still too few, and they are too infrequent for the rising demand of support during the grieving of a pet.
Many of the articles on grieving a pet are 15-20 years old, which pre-date the humanization of pets (treating pets as family members). Also, many of the treatments available today did not exist back then, so the materials do not address the trauma of having care available to your pet, but not being able to afford it.
2) LOVING & CARING for SENIOR PETS: When pets' bodies wear down, or in some other way, betray them, that doesn’t change who they are. Find new ways to spend time together.
3) ACTIVITIES, GIFTS & GUIDANCE: For the pet owner and their friends, co-workers, loved ones to celebrate your pet and your love for them.